🤳 Web3 Social Media

Today's Highlights

  • DSCVR - a new type of social network
  • This Week On BuzzBelow - a recap on this week's topics.
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking.

DSCVR - a new type of social network

DSCVR is a decentralized social content platform that belongs to its community.  Currently, the major social networks are controlled by massive companies that often make questionable choices. Critical decisions that drive the platforms happen behind closed doors and there is widespread distrust around the use of user data. The user is often stuck choosing between the lesser of two evils or just turning a blind eye to the questionable parts of a social platform if they want to use it.  DSCVR is a new kind of social network that provides a solution to these problems.

DSCVR empowers its users to direct all decisions by establishing governance rights that are represented by two native tokens, each representing 50 percent of the voting rights: Social tokens and Service tokens. Users earn governance rights via tokens. With these rights, they can make product decisions to guide the direction of the platform. Users earn tokens via upvotes. Users earn governance rights and tokens by receiving upvotes on posts, comments, and portals they manage and create. In essence, DSCVR’s most valuable and dedicated community members will decide its future. Users earn Service tokens by funding the platform and supporting its growth. Service token holders will focus on creating economic value for the platform.

DSCVR aims to open up this platform model with Social Fabric, an open protocol that enables users to create separate, autonomously governed community platforms that are based on the same ecosystem of tools behind DSCVR.  

Alexander Turner, Juan Bruce and Rick Porter are the founders of DSCVR and have raised a total of $9M in funding.

This Week on BuzzBelow

🕊 Giving Access to Blockchain in a Fair and Easy Way
Aptos and how it creates a safe and scalable blockchain in order to deliver the most capable chain to the world
🔑 Sign In With Ethereum
Explaining “Sign In With Ethereum”
💿 Web3 Data Warehouse
How Space and Time delivers low-latency queries and other services in an efficient and secure manner

In Other News

New York Financial Regulators share guidance to banks regarding crypto
Change is the only constant thing in the universe; if people do not change with change, they will perish. It
Binance Proof-of-Reserves Auditor Mazars Pauses All Work for Crypto Clients
Mazars has deleted Binance’s proof-of-reserves assessment, which found its bitcoin reserves were overcollateralized.
Binance proof-of-reserves removed from the auditor’s site
Mazars Group, known for its proof-of-reserve audit services for crypto companies, reportedly removed the audits from its site.