🎼 Unleashing Musical Talent Through AI

Today's Highlights

  • Splash - AI music revolution
  • This Week On BuzzBelow - a recap on this week's topics.
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking.

Splash - AI music revolution

Splash has established itself as a game-changer in the worlds of artificial intelligence and music, giving pioneering tools that allow anybody to produce and play music inside an exciting, virtual environment. Splash began by teaching software to play simple instruments, ultimately progressing to the ability to write, master, sing, and even rap. Its purpose was not to replace human artists, but to empower them with AI-driven tools that would enable unparalleled levels of creativity. This ambitious initiative's achievements have been nothing short of remarkable.

Splash's first significant public success came via Roblox, a well-known online gaming site. The Splash Music event, a 'always-on' live music event, was inaugurated here as an immersive music experience. This festival is a dynamic, developing virtual event in which participants are both spectators and performers. It offers a one-of-a-kind and engaging platform for people to express their creativity in front of a live, worldwide audience.

BeatBot.fm, Splash's most recent product, is a ground-breaking text-to-song platform. Users provide a text prompt and a genre, and BeatBot creates a short song in response. This powerful application illustrates how artificial intelligence (AI) may be used to make music, igniting imagination and personal expression. It exemplifies how Splash is always pushing the boundaries of AI's capabilities in music production in order to make it more accessible to everyone.

Splash enables these musicians to produce and play music in front of actual audiences by merging AI music tools with social, gamified experiences, ushering in a new age in the music business. Splash's revolutionary approach is not only changing the way music is made and shared, but it is also setting the way for a future in which artificial intelligence and human creativity coexist and interact in peace.

The company was founded by Adam Hibble and Stephen Phillips in 2017. To date, they have raised $23.2 million dollars.

This Week on BuzzBelow

🏠 Making Real Estate More Efficient
Zuma - bridging the response gap in real estate sales
🛩️ Blockchain Ecosystem for Tourism
Chain4Travel - a more efficient platform for the travel industry
🔢 Data Storing in Web3
Bundlr - a platform that makes Web3 data storage more efficient
🏦 Banking Platform of the Future
Cogni - bridging Web2 and Web3 financial services

In Other News

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