⚛️ Bridging Quantum and Classical Realms

Rigetti Computing, a pioneer in quantum-classical computing, is working to solve complex optimization problems.

⚛️ Bridging Quantum and Classical Realms
Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț / Unsplash

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Rigetti Computing - Fostering Quantum Advancements

Rigetti Computing, a pioneering entity in the realm of quantum computing, has been making notable strides in melding the quantum and classical computing realms to solve complex problems that classical computing alone struggles with. The company—whose mission is to advance the practical applications of quantum computing—has operated quantum computers remotely, providing its Rigetti Quantum Cloud Services platform to a wide range of customers, including international corporations, governmental organizations, and research institutions.

Rigetti has garnered significant contracts that underscore its growing influence and potential in quantum computing research and applications. One notable contract is with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as part of the IMPAQT program, which stands for Imagining Practical Applications for a Quantum Tomorrow. The goal of this contract is to advance the state-of-the-art in quantum algorithms for the solution of combinatorial optimization issues, with a special emphasis on scheduling issues, which are common and difficult in a variety of industries.

Under the project name "Scheduling Problems with Efficient Encoding of Qubits" (SPEEQ), larger problems will be able to be solved by the current generation of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) era quantum computers by developing a novel and efficient encoding of optimization problems onto qubits. Furthermore, demonstrating Rigetti's continued attempts to secure government contracts to develop its quantum computing ambitions, the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) Information Directorate awarded it a significant five-year Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract.

With the growing interest in quantum computing and its potential to transform many industries by more effectively addressing complex issues, the future of Rigetti Computing appears bright. As it works to achieve narrow quantum advantage and make quantum computing more approachable and useful for practical applications in the real world, Rigetti is establishing itself as a significant player in the field of quantum computing through its creative projects and partnerships.

Rigetti was founded by Chad Rigetti in 2013. To date, they have raised $298.5 million.

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