OAK Network - Seamless, Trustless, and Secure Automation for Consumers

The Oak Network is an automation blockchain for Defi and recurring payments across protocols. The blockchain is built on Parity Substrate with an event-driven execution model. Different from Ethereum’s transaction-based model, where a transaction requires private key signing, OAK allows transactions to be triggered by event signals such as time, price, event triggers and smart contract state changes.

OAK Network aims to be the best-in-class automation utility across protocols, offering on-chain automation not possible today, such as limit & stop-loss orders on Automated-Market-Making DEX and recurring payments. With OAK’s on-chain finality and network security, it can empower any blockchain with its autonomous functionality, unleashing endless product potentials.

Chris Li and Isral McGinnis are the founders of The Oak Network. OAK Network has raised a total of $5.5M in funding.

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