πŸ“ Enabling Automated Grading With AI

Today's Highlights

  • How AI is improving Automated Grading
  • This Week On BuzzBelow - a recap on this week's topics
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at the forefront of a seismic change in the field of education. Automated Grading Systems (AGS), supported by AI, are not just effective grading tools; they are also an example of a broader trend influencing current methods of instruction.

AI concepts such as machine learning and natural language processing are the core technology behind automated grading:

  • Training Phase: The system is introduced to a dataset comprising thousands (or possibly millions) of hand graded student responses. The algorithm learns the grading criteria based on this dataset through iterative procedures.
  • Evaluation Phase: The system assesses new student submissions utilizing its training. It analyzes assignments against specified benchmarks using patterns learnt from training data. It evaluates grammar, coherence, argumentation quality, content relevance, and other factors for written text.
  • Feedback Generation: In addition to grading, some systems include feedback generated by algorithms trained on common errors or feedback patterns from training data.

While AGS is undoubtedly effective, it also has two further impacts on education:

  • Enhanced Feedback Quality: AGS is developing a new feedback culture using AI-driven feedback systems. Students now receive feedback on areas for progress in addition to grades, encouraging a growth mentality.
  • Changes in Educator Roles: With AGS being in charge of grading, instructors are shifting more into the roles of mentors, facilitators, and interactive teachers, improving the quality of education.

However, the system's potential inability to recognize contextual nuances is a major source of worry. While human graders are born with the capacity to recognize humor, irony, and unique stylistic choices in essays, Artificial Intelligence may fall short of recognizing these choices.

It is difficult to discuss AGS without bringing up how quickly it is being adopted. Institutions are using AGS more frequently for a variety of purposes. The adaptability of AI may be seen in everything from straightforward multiple-choice questions to elaborate essays and challenging mathematical puzzles. Turnitin, the leader in AGS technology, currently has a presence in 140 countries and almost 15,000 institutions, including esteemed organizations, have integrated their system.

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