📺 Decentralizing Content Curation

Explaining how KurateDAO enriches and speeds up content curation through decentralization.

📺 Decentralizing Content Curation
Photo by Jonas Leupe / Unsplash

Today's Highlights

  • KurateDAO - utilizing the power of web3 to decentralize content curation
  • This Week On BuzzBelow - a recap on this week's topics.
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking.

KurateDAO - utilizing the power of web3 to decentralize content curation

KurateDAO seeks to harness the power of web3 and communities to decentralize the content curation process. A decentralized curation process allows for more nuance in determining what should be included and why, while enabling decisions to be made quickly and effectively. To incentivize collaboration, KurateDAO pays curators and scouts that organize useful information. As the database layer, KurateDAO sees itself supporting a new generation of web3 applications with community curated databases.

KurateDAO allows contributors to monetize content. KurateDAO has monetization built in from the ground up, to pay curators and scouts for their work. Once participants have assembled these on-chain databases, they can leverage a suite of API’s and applications to build scalable user facing web3 applications.

KurateDAO establishes an immutable social contract between stakeholders. KurateDAO databases are minted with by-laws. These by-laws are similar to Terms of Service (ToS) of a Web2 app. Unlike Web2 ToS, by-laws are immutable. Immutability gives stakeholders certainty that later the ToS will not be changed to benefit a different stakeholder. KurateDAO widens the number of  parties that can participate in the curation process instead of one person having to do everything.

Dr. Mickey Fischer is the CEO of KurateDAO. KurateDAO has raised $6.85M in funding.

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