🛩️ Blockchain Ecosystem for Tourism

Today's Highlights

  • Chain4Travel - connecting the travel industry with Web3
  • Blockchain jobs - a listing of fresh jobs related to web3/blockchain/crypto.
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking.

Chain4Travel - connecting the travel industry with Web3

Chain4Travel is pursuing an innovative concept for the use of blockchain technology in the international travel industry: the goal is to build a blockchain-based ecosystem, providing a stable and secure platform for business to business and business to consumer leisure travel products. Tourism partners will be able to efficiently trade and purchase a variety of services on the platform, ranging from hotel rooms and rental cars to even a cup of coffee on a flight, using a set of simplified processes. In addition, travel partners can find all the information they need to effectively sell travel. Information such as hotel and room type mapping, health and safety, Covid updates, warnings of current events and restrictions, regional information and much more, will all be fed live into the platform and available in the form of NFTs. All business partners working with the platform will be able to access this valuable travel data in a standardized and secure way. This versatile network reliably maps current business models, cost-effectively and efficiently; in particular, it also provides a robust basis to launch new leisure travel products and innovative transactions.

Participating node operators and service providers in the blockchain are uniquely identified and networked via the Know Your Customer (KYC) process, significantly reducing the effort required in the negotiation phase of future transactions.  Joining companies will be able to rapidly complete transactions with blockchain partners within seconds and at low transaction costs. In addition, travel specifics, such as availability checking, will be possible via the technology. There will be benefits for all market participants and added values for travelers.

Chain4Travel believes that the enormous potential of blockchain technology will enable the travel industry to adopt new ways of thinking and visions in the distribution and marketing of travel products. The development will move very fast and rapidly change the processes that we are already used to.    

Ralf Usbeck, Thomas Stirnimann and Pablo Castillo are the co-founders of Chain4Travel. They have raised a total of $9.6M in funding.

💡 Blockchain Jobs

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Ready Games Network

In Other News

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