⚕️AI in Healthcare: Diagnosis and Discovery

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made significant contributions to enhance medical research in several ways, revolutionizing the healthcare industry by accelerating the pace of discovery, improving diagnosis and treatment, and optimizing healthcare processes. The global artificial intelligence in healthcare market size was estimated at USD 15.1 billion in 2022 and it is expected to surpass around USD 187.95 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 37% during the forecast period of 2022 to 2030. Here are some key ways in which AI benefits medical research:

Aid Clinical Judgment/Diagnosis:

Admittedly, using AI to diagnose patients is undoubtedly in its infancy, but there have been some exciting use cases.

  • A Stanford University study tested an AI algorithm to detect skin cancers against dermatologists, and it performed at the level of humans.
  • A Danish AI software company, Corti tested its deep-learning program by having a computer eavesdrop while human dispatchers took emergency calls. The algorithm analyzed what a person says, the tone of voice and background noise and detected cardiac arrests with a 93% success rate compared to 73% by humans.
  • Baidu Research recently announced that the results of early tests on its deep learning algorithm indicate that it can outperform humans when identifying breast cancer metastasis.

Accelerating Drug Discovery:

  • In the quest to find treatments for COVID-19, AI played a pivotal role. It speeds up drug discovery by swiftly analyzing vast molecular datasets, and identifying potential candidates. For instance, AI can pinpoint existing drugs, originally designed for different purposes, that show promise against the disease. This streamlined approach significantly shortens the time required to develop treatments, offering a swift response to critical health challenges like pandemics.
  • Biopharma company, NuMedii, has built the AIDD (Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery) technology that harnesses Big Data and AI to rapidly discover connections between drugs and diseases at a systematic level.

In summary, AI is a powerful tool for enhancing medical research by accelerating data analysis, drug discovery, personalized medicine, disease prediction, and many other aspects of healthcare. Its ability to process and make sense of vast amounts of data holds the promise of improving patient outcomes and driving innovation in the field of medicine.


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