🥷 AI-Powered Fraud Prevention

Today's Highlights

  • MarqVision - Modernizing the approach to fraud prevention in online stores
  • Learn - a couple of courses to further your knowledge in AI/Machine Learning.
  • In Other News - a few interesting developments we're tracking.

MarqVision - Modernizing the approach for fraud prevention in online stores

MarqVision is an artificial intelligence company that provides a fraud-prevention platform for businesses that sell their products on an online store. Their technology helps businesses to protect their brand reputation by identifying and removing counterfeits with a click of a button.

The company’s proprietary technology is called Seller Intel which is used to identify threats to brands. It utilizes powerful AI models to identify seller connections and give businesses a better picture of networks that threaten to hurt their brands. Seller Intel can utilize data provided to analyze seller uploads to cluster similar sellers with similar listing details as their products.

MARQ Commerce and MARQ Content are the main two products from MarqVision. MARQ Commerce is for physical products and it utilizes Seller Intel to identify counterfeit products on online stores. MARQ Content is for combating online piracy for movies, live streams, etc. The service constantly tracks the internet for illegal redistribution of content and then automatically takes down the content.

MarqVision also offers a test purchase service which anonymously gathers information about illegal sellers. It can gather the name, sending address, and/or return address. This enables businesses to build a legal case against these sellers. The aim of the service is to reduce counterfeit stores in the long term since the evidence gathered can help ensure that the seller never opens a counterfeit again.

Mark Lee founded the company in 2020 in order to modernize the approach to detecting fraud on the internet. To date, MarqVision has raised $25 million.

📚 Learn

Brian Caffo, Jeff Leek, and Roger D. Peng
Younes Bensouda Mourri, Łukasz Kaiser, and Eddy Shyu

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